Thursday, June 4, 2009

Have you been to ?

As you know, my storefront is located on a site called

For those of you who haven’t had a chance to visit this site, you really should! is a Canadian company. I could say similar to ebay or etsy, but really its in a class of its own!

Unlike the big “E” online venues, icraft is strictly handmade items. That’s right. No wholesale items, no supplies, etc. It’s a place where artisans, crafters and designers can showcase their products – and the people who love handmade, can connect. Shoppers can also contact the sellers directly for commissioned work (from those sellers who offer that service) and get their questions answered.

It’s a really simple site…. And I LOVE simple.
There aren’t a lot of nooks and crannys to this site, and not a heck of a lot of outside advertising either – which is fantastic. It’s look is clean, its crisp, and totally easy to use! Yep, guess where I’m doing all my Christmas shopping this year?

What’s on icraft you ask? Well, there is a huge array of items that you can browse and buy. Price points vary from artist to artist and each has a unique style.

Jewelry – I am absolutely drooling over this NECKLACE by Brilliant Beads. It would be perfect for a night out in a "little black dress".

You can also stop by Designs by Debra and shop her store. Her prices are amazing, and her jewelry makes the perfect gift for anyone! But you can't have THIS because I just bought it... tee hee. I had been looking at this for some time, and decided it would be a perfect gift. I signed up for the Chemo Angels program and this makes the perfect gift for my buddy!

As you can see, there are styles for everyone. Each artist has a unique view and that comes out in thier beautiful creations. I am having a hard time deciding what my favorite piece is from GALLERIA LINDA. Be sure to stop by!

What else?
Love these cute little beanies.
Need art? Check out Eyeshoot Photography for this print.
Perhaps you'd like a card to go with your gift? Check THIS out!

There is just too many to list of course... but you get the picture, right? A little of everything.

Are you an artist? Have something you'd like to share?
Check out the selling policies on here. Its different from the big "E" sites in pricing. (Better for sellers). You can also join the Seller's Bootcamp to get you started! Its run by Christine at PillowThrowDecor and gets you in all the right places to start you online creator's shop. Did I mention her decorative pillows? TDF! Check out her hilarious GEEK PILLOWS! Now who wouldn't want one of those???

And of course, yours truly.. my store on where you can find naturally made soaps and body products. I have just added a couple of new soaps, and bath salts - so check me out. I am also constantly in my kitchen crafting away - so stay tuned for new items! If you aren't "following" my blog, click the link to the right and you'll be updated right away!

visit me here:

Have a fabulous fabulous day!


Unknown said...

Wonderful article! Thanks for mentioning my shop I hope your chemo buddy enjoys the necklace you pick for her!
Have a wonderful day!

IndieCEO / GalleriaLinda said...

What an awesome post about iCraft. I too find iCraft to be delightful to shop and to sell! Thank you for including me and the neckace you bought from DesignsByDebra is really cute!!

I am loving Sellers' Bootcamp and have learned so much from the experience from everyone.

Nice blog!


Mountaindreamers said...

Great points !! Well thought out, thanks for answering my question so quickly about your products, I prefer paraben free cosmetics and lotions.

Gillianbeads said...

What a great blog post about!! Well explained, and nicely written!

I'm sure your chemo buddy will just love your new necklace!

Fairy Cardmaker, Lisa said...

Lots of great info links on here! I'm honored to be one of them! Well written, easy read!