Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More Teasers

Well, its just past 11pm here and I'm winding down from some "cooking"!!

Here's just a quick post to tease you with what's been going on in my kitchen!
These are tasty little foot scrub bars in Ocean Breeze.

Naturliche.com is now being re-directed to my icraft store.
If you haven't checked out icraft yet - you really should! It is similar to ebay or etsy, however, ALL the items you will find from sellers are handmade goods. There are no supplies, no re-selling of wholesale goods. Just good, real, honest to goodness handmade stuff!
check it out! You might just open a little store of your own!


Mary Giles said...

Ahhhh! I love the feet. So fun. Okay I'm going to check out you store tonight.

Lorie said...

Oh, I love my/DH's foot scrubbie bar! I'm headed to your store now! Ocean Breeze sounds refreshing!!

Lorie said...

Hey Karen!
I tried to place an order, but when I checked out, it said that this seller doesn't ship to the United States, it and cleared my order. I'll try again later, but I thought you should know. Thanks!


Naturliche Body Bliss said...

Catherine had that issue too..I *think* I fixed it....

Anonymous said...

They're feet! I LOVE THEM! er - hurray up payday, I want to shop!!!!

MiamiKel said...

I'm soooooo on my way ... going to be a doing A LOT of walking soon, lol =) Congrats, GF